How to Keep Yourself Healthy During the Pandemic
After being in quarantine for three weeks, it can be challenging to keep yourself occupied, and even more challenging to keep your mental and physical health in check. This is a very unique situation that will hopefully never happen again in our lifetimes, and being away from friends and extended family for this long can lead you on a road of bad habits and is certainly not good for everyone’s mental health. Although we are quarantined, we should still stay connected to our friends and family via facetime, text, and calling, to remain social and to check in on them once and awhile. Check-in on your grandparents by giving them a call and small things like facetiming your friends to look over some school work can do great things for your health.
Your physical health is just as important and we have to make sure that we are taking care of and maintaining our bodies by eating healthy and going outside to play sports. On the Oratory Prep Instagram, the school is currently promoting the See10Do10 challenge, encouraging the Oratory community to stay healthy and active during these strange times. There are many great videos on YouTube with a variety of different exercises to choose from, along with the articles and videos that Mr. Parsells has provided through Google Classroom. A quick jog can go a long way for your health.
Some aspects, however, of social-distancing are beneficial. The quarantine allows us to spend more time as a family and become closer as a result. It also allows everyone to cool down and relax from their busy lives and has helped me catch up on some much-needed sleep. Although things look bad at the moment, we have to become stronger as a nation to stop the virus.

Hello, my name is Mathew Yeager and I am in the Class of 2023. I enjoy playing baseball and watching Netflix and my favorite sports teams are the New York...