Spirit Week is Coming for You….

Nick Browne, SC President; Random Omega Writer

Hello Classmates,


It’s that time of year again… where Joe Garibaldi ponders what audacious act he’ll be performing in front of the school and I recruit the top brass of lower schoolers to join my handball team. That’s right- it’s time for Spirit Week 2k16. I’m sure you have seen the tremendous video produced by Oratory Prep student council (shoutout to Seamus Degen for all his hard work). It’s time to get hyped up, get rowdy, and GET YOUR FORMS IN ON TIME. Dodgeball forms are due on NOVEMBER 9TH, and talent show submissions are due NOVEMBER 11TH. The 14th is USA day where american flags and star spangled shorts are socially acceptable and encouraged. This is also student appreciation day so enjoy it while it lasts. The 15th is a Blast from the Past and a day to dress like your favorite decade. Whether you’re a greaser from The Outsiders or an extra from Saturday Night Fever, dress to impress. The 16th is a big day consisting of our college sports themed day along with the dodgeball tournament. This has proven to be a great remedy for anger management and an awesome opportunity to yell at the gym teachers’ poor refereeing skills (I’m looking at you Ms. Kacar). The 17th is our beach/hawaiian day where the Ukulele club can flourish in hula skirts and the sweet sounds of a tiny guitar. Finally, the 18th is our OP day which is day to sport your favorite OP gear and not worry about violating dress code (for once). It is also the day of our talent show. All I can say is… there will be good acts- heck, there will be great acts- but after all this is Oratory so you may have to sit through another 15 minutes of Joe Garibaldi talking to a rock. On that note, I bid you all adieu.



Nick Browne

Your President/Chancellor/Dictator/“friend”