Summer 16 in Review

Summer 16 in Review

Justin Oei, Staff Writer

Well, we’ve reached the end of the summer and the inevitable time where we need to get up while it’s still dark out, haul ourselves to school, and entering the perpetual state of “checking Netclassroom”. Much has happened over the summer, and we’re beginning to just realize the effects now.

At the beginning of the summer, Great Britain voted to leave the European Union over several concerns. We saw that Prime Minister David Cameron (a pro-EU Conservative) elected to leave his post over concerns that he would not be able to lead the country well anymore. The reins were handed over to Theresa May, who has not yet invoked the necessary legal work to leave the EU.

As I predicted in the last issue of last year, Donald Trump (R-NY) and Hillary Clinton (D-NY) emerged as their party’s nominees. Clinton then jumped to the lead (though a close lead) and now has an 80% chance of winning the election. The first debate is set to occur in about two weeks.

Lastly, on a more macabre side, the Zika virus has spread but has not yet received any funding from the government to combat it. Towns such as Miami Beach have resorted to spraying poison from planes in order to kill the mosquitos that spread it.