A Letter to the Juniors

A Letter to the Juniors

Matt Falcone, Junior CEO



As part of a new campaign to help communication between the student council and the student body, we have initiated a few new programs. One of these such programs is to actively post on the Omega, to let students know about recent activities that will be going on around the school. If we receive positive feedback, we will be able to continue these updates. If taken advantage of, these updates can help to inform students about all the different events that will be taking place in the upcoming future. Hopefully with this, we will be able to increase participation in these events using these updates. With this being said, here a few updates. We have a guest speaker coming to the school on Wednesday, December 9th. The friday after this, December 18th, will be our annual Christmas at OP. It will be a fun afternoon where we will enjoy a nice lunch, and a few performances by a couple of OP groups. Thanks for reading, and let me know if you have any questions.



Matt Falcone, Class of 2017 CEO