Due to popular belief, the newest iPhone is usually the best. But this year, everything changed. The latest iPhone, 15, is seen to have multiple issues, both in its processing system and physical system. So, today I will be comparing and contrasting the iPhone 15 to past iPhones and seeing if it makes sense to buy the new iPhone. The new addition of titanium in the iPhone is affecting the technology to a great extent. The first real problem with the iPhone 15 is that it overheats. More than 50% of people with the new iPhone 15 have sent in reports of their phone overheating, one account being up to 118°. Because of the new titanium embedded into the phone, it causes the phone to overheat after using it for long periods of time. The second big problem with the iPhone 15 is its durability. The iPhone is usually a pretty durable phone that is reliable all the time. Again, the new addition of titanium created an imbalance in the normal iPhone build. The normal build has quickly been replaced with a “dubious build that is not equipped for rough handling.” Based on multiple durability tests, the iPhone 15 is less durable than the iPhone 13. Once the iPhone 15 is dropped on the ground, it instantly shatters because of the new build that it has acquired.

I personally have an iPhone 14 and I drop it on the ground all the time. It has never cracked and it has amazing durability. Even when the iPhone 15 is equipped with a case, it cracks 9/10 times. Realistically, you would end up being very mad if you accidentally dropped your phone and had an almost guaranteed to shatter. The are also numerous performance issues with the new iPhone. With IOS 17 being released only a little bit before the iPhone 15, IOS 17 is pre-installed into the new phone. Being that both the software and hardware of the iPhone 15 is new, there are going to be flaws of course, but currently, these flaws are worse than any we have seen in the past 5 years. According to accounts of people with the new iPhone 15, they say that the software system is buggy and makes the animation of the phone itself choppy. Also, people have said that the iPhone 15 is so fragile to the point that if you grip it too hard, you may crack the entire backside of the phone. Although most of these things will be fixed shortly because it is a new phone, I would personally wait for a newer, more improved version of the iPhone 15 to come out or I would just go with the iPhone 14 Pro Max. Not only is the iPhone 14 Pro Max more durable and cheaper, but it is also a fully reliable phone. It has the option to get the newest IOS 17 whenever you would like. It has a lot of optimization and customization things to have your preference. And the iPhone 14 Pro Max won’t shatter on you ever unless you are intentionally trying to shatter it. So in my honest opinion, I would recommend either waiting for a new and improved version of the iPhone 15(like a Pro/Max) or buying a reliable, durable, and cheaper phone like the iPhone 14 Pro Max.