8th/10th Grade Trip to the Gravity Vault: The Emergence of Champions

Image courtesy of Thomas Hunt










On the day of ‘Rally for the Rams,’ your class wars champions were decided. The grades that were victorious were the 8th Grade and sophomore class. They were rewarded with missing a part of a school day to go on a rock climbing field trip to the Gravity Vault. The two grades faced a variety of different walls – some easy and others that required immense grip strength while hanging nearly upside down. This grip strength was only possessed by a few, like that of tennis superstar Rome Brachfeld. However, Rome was not the star of the day – that title belongs to someone far greater. Despite the dozens of slices of pizza that were consumed, or the joy that was missing class to climb up walls, nothing had matched the experience it was watching one figure rise far above the rest. This man climbed up walls and devoured pizza like a wild animal; however, the tug of war skills of Nick Parent is something that animals could only hope to possess.
Not only did Nick lead his team to an undefeated record against Oratory Prep opponents, but he also was the biggest contributor to defeating the adult staff workers of the Gravity Vault. He accomplished this by simply grabbing onto the rope and jumping back to grab the foam dice that were stationed behind the teams; possession of the foam cube indicates victory.

Image courtesy of Thomas Hunt

Nick’s triumph on the tug-a-war mat was only matched by his glorious celebration. This celebration could be identified as the two-handed salt shaker and was so amazing that words could only wish to encompass its true glory. This celebration not only hyped up the crowd but also inspired Nick’s OP brothers – a true inspiration that led to a triumphant lift up of the victorious Nick Parent. When asked about his victory, Nick could be noted by saying, “The triumph that comes with being the greatest tug-of-war anchor to walk the Earth is something I pride myself on, it’s good to get some recognition.” Rumor has it he will be challenging Mr. Kaounis to a 1v1 tug-of-war battle in “The Tug of the Century”.