OP Quiz Bowl’s Two-Man Squad Valiantly Battles Tough Competition

Image courtesy of Brian Kelly
February 22, 2022
This past weekend, Oratory’s Quiz Bowl team fielded a daring two-man squad to face a gauntlet of schools in a battle of knowledge and wits. Many of the Quiz Bowl’s regular competitive players (myself included) were unable to compete due to commitments or other reasons. While the two students, Brian Kelly and Brendan Milton, faced stiff competition and didn’t always come out on top, they did very well for a group of only two people. These two students are proof that no matter who else is with you (or not with you), just one player can mean the world to a team.
Brian and Brendan, despite operating at a severe disadvantage in the depth department, proved their prowess to their opponents. Oratory won the first match, in large part due to Brendan Milton’s stellar answers. In the other matches, they may not have come out on top in the final score, but I have seen full teams (never Oratory’s, of course) leave competitions with a 0-5 record. With just two people, BK and Milton thus proved to be more valuable than many larger teams. We at the Quiz Bowl of course hope to field more players in future competitions, but these two did an excellent job holding down the fort.