An Interview with Cross Country Captain Jaden Brescia

Image courtesy of Oratory Prep
October 29, 2020
This year, the OP Cross Country team nominated a record-breaking number of captains: five. Jaden Brescia, who served as a captain alongside Logan Drone, Will Heffernan, Brendan Kleinle, and Aidan Philbrick, is a fan-favorite among the younger runners due to his down-to-earth attitude and hard-working nature. The team (especially his own running group and his fellow captains) jokes around with him a bit, but really, we’re lucky to have a guy like him as one of our leaders. While I wasn’t in his direct running pod, it was still genuinely great to run under his leadership and to get to know him. I am pleased to present my email interview with Oratory’s very own Jaden Brescia!
Jaden Brescia Interview
- How did you feel when you heard you would be a captain?
- At first, I was completely taken by surprise. I saw Coach kneeling beside other Captains and was expecting some bad news. Instead, he gave me a genuine compliment about my leadership towards the freshmen in the first few weeks and asked if I would like to be Captain.
- Overall, was being captain fairly manageable, or did you find it difficult?
- Being captain is only difficult when quickly trying to remember important stretches before a run, or giving a motivational talk. In order to guide the people in your group, you need a pretty convincing argument to motivate everyone to try their best. However, if you lead and take pride in your position others will look up to you.
- What unique challenges did you, personally, face as captain?
- My biggest challenge was dealing with Charlie Warga. Out of all people in my group, Charlie is always criticizing and critiquing every decision I make as captain. Nonetheless, he’s pretty easy to manage.
- What challenges did the coronavirus bring to your season?
- Like most, wearing a mask several hours before practice definitely takes a toll. Also, one of my favorite things about XC was playing frisbee before and after practice, and because of COVID, that’s not doable.
- Was most of your work as captain done alongside your other four captains, or did you mostly work with your separate groups and tasks?
- We come together from time to time to talk about plans for upcoming days and how each group is feeling as the season continues.
- How was your season (not as captain, but as just a runner)?
- If I’m being honest, I intended to be faster this season because of my summer months of training, but things turned out otherwise.
- Completely ignoring performance (good or bad), did you enjoy your season?
- Overall, I am grateful for the comradery of Cross Country in general. I missed seeing the team over the summer and the laughs we would share. This season isn’t perfect, but it’s definitely better than my Senior Year not having Cross Country.
- What was your favorite part of this season (captain-related or not)?
- The OP Bus rides.
- Do you have any stories or anecdotes you would like to share?
- One of my favorite memories is running on the track with a fellow runner, Samuel Ilagan, and out of nowhere he yells: “Cramp!” And shortly after he hobbles to the side. The best part is that an elderly woman next to us burst out laughing as soon as Sam started hobbling.
- Any shoutouts to make, cross-country related, or not?
- Shoutout my Freshmen Running Group (Jaden’s Disciples), Pat Jackson, Jack Mogen, and my Current Frosh/JV group
- How was being captain different from what you expected before?
- The funny thing is, I never expected to be Captain, so I never developed any expectations about what standard I would have to live up to.
- If you could give one piece of advice to next year’s captains, what would they be?
- Lead by example, and the more personal the pep talk before a meet the better. Make memories throughout each Season and envision your goals going forward.
This email interview is presented with no changes to Jaden Brescia’s answers besides some re-formatting.