How to Write for the Omega

February 6, 2020
So you want to join the Omega but have no idea how to write for the school paper? Well, do I have a solution for you.
Step 1: Join the Club
If you aren’t in the Omega you really can’t write for the Omega (unless you are the Ghost of Oratory Prep, Justin Oei). Even if you did write an article just once, our editors would have to find time in their rigorous schedules to proofread and upload your articles so it would be best to just outright join the club.
Step 2: Come Up with an Idea
This is probably the hardest part of writing an article. Brainstorming for the perfect thing to write about takes time. With all the choices available, you can write about nearly anything from Mr. McCrystal’s Secret Plot to Take Over the World to a Death Metal Band about Ned Flanders. However, when given the ability to write about anything, the choices can be overwhelming (especially for a new writer). This can bring about an infinite loop of attempted brainstorming. One idea seems like it will work but it ultimately fails. Meanwhile, you forget the better idea and keep trying to remember it. My advice is this: plan in advance. Create a document somewhere of all the ideas you can write about and choose one per week. Don’t wait until the last minute.
Step 3: Write
Now onto the easy part: writing. With the idea set (and maybe some research is done if needed), you should be able to crank out an article in thirty minutes tops. It won’t be that hard, but it can get a bit annoying and tedious over time. Make sure you get your articles in on time, though, before Mrs. Gribbin’s rage melts your soul.
Step 4: Repeat
This process should get easier and easier as you write more and more for the Omega. The time spent laboring away at the keyboard should result in you finding your writing niche. This should allow you to spend less time brainstorming and allow for more time to relax. However, do not be afraid to branch from your niche. Writing about the same stuff can get boring from time to time.
So now that you know how to write for the Omega, you might as well join.