Boeing Tragedy

Michael Finnen, Staff Writer

This past Sunday, a horrifying event took place. A flight, Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET302, plummeted to the ground, killing 157 people, citizens from all around the world, including 8 Americans, 32 Kenyans, and 9 Ethiopians. The plane had just taken off from the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa when it reported technical difficulties and quickly crashed to the ground. Investigations are currently underway, and the plane’s recorders have actually been recovered, perhaps giving some important future insight into what actually caused this crash. Among those dead, according to the United Nations themselves, are 19 UN staff members. Other casualties reported included a law student and even a famous scholar. Everyone involved climbed into the plane assuming it was safe, and now they have all been killed in a horrible crash.

What makes this event that much more scary is that this is not the first time this has happened. Just 6 months ago, another Boeing plane of the same model crashed, and these two have had terrible implications for Boeing. Multiple airlines all around the world have presently suspended the use of the specific model: the Boeing 737 MAX 8. Even worse for Boeing is that these are new planes, and they are already having deadly issues that cannot be ignored. As investigations continue, perhaps a defect in the plane or the true causes of these crashes will be revealed. For now, all that we can do is mourn the deaths of those who perished in this terrible tragedy.

While flight issues may be inevitable, it is certainly a truly saddening occurrence when innocent people are killed. The news is full of death, and we often become desensitized to it. However, if we think about it, the group of 157 people dead is much larger than the size of the entire junior class here at Oratory. We cannot become desensitized to things like this. If we allow ourselves to, we are doing a great disservice to all of those who have to die. Equally as disheartening is the news that many among those dead were humanitarian workers, people who work for the good of others. It is no secret that Africa has its fair share of problems, stemming back many years. These workers thought outside of themselves and went out of their own way to help others, but now they have paid the ultimate price. The world has lost some incredible people. We cannot allow this to stand, we cannot allow ourselves to become desensitized. This crash should be as a lesson to us all, not only in the literal discussion of flight safety, but a lesson also in the value of good, innocent, human lives.