Top 5 Worst Monday Habits


Joseph Meade, Staff Writer

Monday is often a scrutinized day in one’s schedule. Not only does it mark the beginning of a new school or work week, but it is also often a day in which bad habits come to life. I did not realize how relatable this topic was until we had a conversation about it at lunch. As a senior in high school, my classmates and I know all too well the habits we need to crack down on so we can finish our work efficiently going into the rest of the week. Here I break down the top 5 worst Monday habits.

Monday Night Football/WWE Monday Night Raw

  • Perhaps the most or only exciting part of the day for most people, these programs are often upwards of three hours. Not only are they captivating, but they can also be irresistible if your favorite team or wrestler is competing on it. Even worse is the fact that these start at 8 and will carry over past 11. By this time, for many people, they are past doing homework or studying.

Weekend blues or highs

  • Everyone likes the weekends. It is our time to let loose, relax, and hang out with friends. Sadly, if one has lived such a captivating weekend that it carries over into Monday, it is a horror. No matter how good or bad one’s weekend was, it is better to only live it once and not over and over again on Monday. This causes distractions for many people and makes them unfocused.


  • Mondays are usually the roughest day because it is often used as a transition day after the unwinding done during the weekends. With this in mind, we have to shake off the rust. This may be fatigue, grumpiness, or lack of motivation.


  • Like any bad habit article, procrastination has to make an appearance. For the sake of our time, I will not go off on a tangent about this. What I will say is that if something is due Monday evening or Tuesday morning at least try to find some time to work on it. Personally, if I could go back in time, I would tell my past self that this is well worth it.


  • All of us love to try to make Monday night more enjoyable. This may be due to the stress of the week or the excuse that foods like snickers and potato chips give us excess energy. Either way, this either leads to a lack of focus, more time wasted, or lack of desire. Since we spend so much time in our pantry and not in the books, we get distracted and rather than getting energy, we waste it.

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