Bowdoin XC Meet

September 27, 2018
Oratory Prep Cross Country had its most challenging meet on the hardest course in the region. Oratory is ranked 13th in Varsity Division I and 27th overall between both varsity groups. Fernando Aviles led the XC team with an 18:06, followed closely by Aidan Watkins and Eric Rhines in the mid-18s. The rest of the varsity pack including Chris Kramer, Jack Sula, Kevin DePoortere, and Alex Rickard (in order) finished throughout the 19s. Although we lost, the team improved overall.
In the JV race, we ranked 8 out of 17 in JV II with a 20:18 average and tied for 20th out of 37 teams overall. Brendan Kleinle led the race with a 19:59, closely followed by Ethan Kang and Chris Uustal. The last two racers to count to the score were Ty Cross and WIll Heffman both at 20:38. Overall, we were far from the best schools, which averaged in the 17s and 18s, but the team got to experience a very difficult course.
In the race we saw the best teams in the region, with CBA averaging a 16:36, La Salle with a 16:45 average, and finally Haddonfield Memorial with a 16:51 average. Additionally, runners such as Devin Hart from Pleasant Boro are some of the best in the region, looking to run Division 1 in college. Furthermore, this will help us in future races as we have already raced the best and every course will seem easy after the hills of Bowdoin.