How to Write for the Omega

February 23, 2018
The Omega is an excellent club here at Oratory, but many are scared away by the fact that you have to write for a publication. It might be shocking to think that you have to write articles for the school paper. But have no fear, I am here to help you through this perilous journey. The first thing you will need, after joining the club, is an engaging topic idea. Some excellent ideas would include, but are not limited to, an upcoming event at Oratory, a news story that is not getting much coverage, a school sports team, a review of some form of media (film, tv, comic, video game, book, etc.), or the craziest idea you can think of (there is an article about the fastest possible time to build a sandwich). With your topic, you must begin to think of how you will write your piece. Do your research and plan it out. After you complete your article, send it to your editor by sharing it as a google doc to their school email. It is honestly a very simple process. After you’ve clicked your mouse on the send button, rejoice. You just finished your first Omega article. Here’s to a successful career on the paper!
Photo Credit: The Daily Dot