Treasures of the Chatham Recycling Center

January 21, 2018
Recycling Centers; some have no idea what they are or what to imagine when they see one. Some might envision a massive heap of plastic bottles spilling over the side of massive metal containers. However, those who have explored one might know the opportunities they can hold. The electronics section is what you would probably venture towards on a first escapade. But do not be sad if what you find is mediocre at best, as it is like a prize wheel. Some of the prizes are inherently better than others, but you can always come back next month to see the new loot that might be. On my first visit, I had heard of mass splendor and great parts to begin a collection, however, that dream was shattered as my raid pal had explained that nothing good had been there the last time he was there. Yet, the haul was admirable: a Lenovo ThinkPad (In need of a hard drive wipe and some cleaning), a laptop charger, and a racing wheel. Then, on my next trip, I found a working laptop, no screen cracks, no defects, and no charger. This is the same laptop that I’m using to write this short article! Always remember that one man’s trash is another’s treasure.
Image courtesy of the Town of Simsbury