Review of FM 21-13 aka The Soldier’s Guide

January 21, 2018
As I sit here brainstorming an article to write, I glance to my right and spot my Grandfather’s Field Manual from his time in the army. The copy is from the Korean War era and was an interesting find in his house. He let me have it as he had no use for it. I figured I would read it, and, sure enough, it is one of the most boring reads of my life. I understand the use of it, but there is nothing to attract a reader to it. Nothing stands out on the cover as it is seemingly cardboard bound book with black writing on the front. However, the images they put in can attract a reader and are simplistic enough to keep a bored soldier interested, but that can’t save it from being a boring read. The writing has an early 50’s patriotism similar to what you’d find in a Fallout game. The book is definitely army propaganda, and it makes no effort to mask that.
Final Score: Keep it as a historical artifact. You never know what it could be worth in 50 years.
Photo Credit: eBay