Introducing “Chris Christie Drive”


Justin Oei, Staff Writer

Last week, Governor Chris Christie attended a road groundbreaking in Morris Plains. This occasion was a bit more special than others since the Morris County Board of Freeholders had voted to name a soon-to-be-paved access road to Greystone Park Chris Christie Drive, and they wanted the governor himself to be present for the dedication. And yes, it is almost ironically planned to ease traffic through the area (we remember you, Bridgegate).

While Governor Christie is wildly unpopular throughout the state (think teen-percentage approval ratings), he has a bastion of supporters in Republican-stronghold Morris County, and, as the Star-Ledger puts it, could well be considered “Mendham’s Favorite Son.” Of course, no political event would be complete without protests, and this was no exception; relatively few protesters were on site to complain about the administration’s handling of Greystone’s demolition (which, to this day, still seems awfully one-sided). Christie Drive, however, can’t compare with the accolades given to a former governor and OP alumnus Richard Codey ‘59, who, thus far, has had a hockey rink and more named after him.

Photo Credit: Star Ledger