Featured Student: 9th Grader Ethan Kang

Featured Student: 9th Grader Ethan Kang

Jack Munro, Staff Writer

What grade are you in?

9th grade

What middle school did you come from?

Greenbrook Middle School

How is high school different than middle school?

I feel more pressure to do well because high school counts a lot more than middle school does.

How was the transition from middle school to high school?

The transition was pretty smooth

How do you like 9th grade so far?

I like it

How do you like Oratory so far?

I am enjoying Oratory

What clubs are you in?

I am in the History Club

What sports are you in?

I participated in cross country in the fall and will play baseball in the spring

What is your favorite class this year and why?

My favorite class is World History because I like to learn about the world

What is the hardest class this year and why?

Spanish, because I’m not good at pronunciation

What is the best moment of 9th grade so far and why?

The 9th-grade retreat

What is the worst moment of 9th grade so far and why?

When I did very poorly on a quiz

Who is your favorite upperclassman?

Jack Munro

What has the hardest assignment of 9th grade been so far?

Studying for History tests

Are you planning on joining any clubs/sports next year/in the coming months?

Baseball and Quiz Bowl

What is the best thing about high school so far and why?

The schedule

What is your favorite part of Oratory and why?

Schedule because I have more time to do homework and study for tests