Lucas Toglia: OP’s in-house Musician


Jack Munro, Staff Writer

After releasing his hit song ‘Singing With You’ and winning first place in the talent show, Lucas Toglia has continued his tremendous success through 2016. Lucas released his second single ‘Miles Away’ on June 20th after much anticipation from his fans and the students of Oratory. Working with RMC Studios in Westfield, Lucas masterfully crafted the hit single with tireless work and dedication. He even said, “It took me about three weeks to write the song and to perfect it. However, I kept revising it until (and even during) my studio time”. This is evident to any listener, though. The lyrics tell of ‘the one that got away’, and are filled with true passion and emotion. Lucas also said, “I feel that this song is the first song that I put a lot of passion into and hope that is evident through the lyrics and emotions felt throughout the song”. The chorus really speaks to this statement, truly allowing the listener to feel the passion and emotion that Lucas talks about.


“My heart is on fire, as you are liar. Now you are miles away, but you didn’t move. Continents divide from across this room, was it so easy for you to walk away.”   


In addition to the emotional and powerful lyrics, ‘Miles Away’ has an impressive instrumental backing Lucas’ voice. Lucas said that the song is “fast tempo, consisting of piano and an acoustic guitar”. He also added, “I started the song with the main piano riff and then I wrote the chorus piano riff. After that, I wrote the chords and added lyrics over them”. When asked about the vocals, Lucas said, “there are two girls singing backups in addition to me”. The girls’ voices compliment Lucas’ vocals during the bridge, adding extra emotion to the song. The vocals, instrumental, and lyrics combine to make another hit song by Lucas Toglia.


With much anticipation, Lucas’ current project ‘Cheers to the Future’ is set to release in several weeks.