Vote Vermin Supreme

Vote Vermin Supreme

Carlo Zahl-Batlle, Staff Writer

*Note the opinions expressed in this article do not reflect the opinions of the OP Omega or it’s associates, just some cynical Millenial who got bored*

Before next November rolls around and the candidates that matter are the established liar types that always win these elections, I ask you to look at a lesser known candidate before you turn your eyes to the meanest Canadian ever, orange Goldfinger, the Millennial’s anointed king, or an incessant bag of frustrations who will not stop until you make her your queen as your prefered candidate. Look not to Bernie Sanders as the underdog, but the the true underdog of this race is Vermin Love Supreme.

If you just googled him I’m guessing you’d be turned off at my proposal of supporting him as he wears a boot on his head, but if Trump can wear whatever is on his head, who cares that he wears a boot on his head? But anyway on to his policies; Mr. Supreme is the only one who will make it a law for everyone to brush their teeth, because no one likes people with bad breath. Am I right, or am I right people? He also promises to fund time travel research, and who doesn’t want time travel? It’s awesome! He also wants to raise awareness for zombie apocalypse contingency plans I mean the walking dead, it could happen one day – with Vermin in the White House, we would be very prepared should it happen. And Mr. Supreme’s most famous policy has to be his best policy. FREE PONIES FOR EVERYONE!!!! I mean who doesn’t want a free pony, it’s a pony. You can ride them around everywhere and go on awesome horse rides, and have an awesome existence. And if everyone rode around with their free ponies, carbon emissions would be greatly reduced.

So I ask you dear reader(s) before you look at a Machiavellian liar, a xenophobic sweet potato, the wizard of Vermont, and a serial killer this November. Maybe look to a less established candidate like the great Vermin Supreme.