Doomsday Advice

Doomsday Advice

Carlo Zahl-Batlle, Staff Writer

My fellow students, doomsday is here. The day when teacher and parent alike come to discuss one thing, their beloved (or dreaded) students. The dreaded, the terrible, parent teacher conferences. Today, the cat (or cats) will be out of the bag. You know what I speak of my fellow students, the homeworks we have not done, the tests that had grades which were less than desirable.  For some of us, today will bring some bad things.

So I ask you my friends, no I dare you, to make your lives easier. You may ask what I speak of, and I will answer. Confess my friends, confess all your sins. I know it will be hard, but trust me my friends. It is better for your parents to go in knowing your sins, instead of having your teacher inform them. Think of it like a mini confession. I’m positive each and every one of you has gotten in trouble for lying before; I know I have and when my parents found out, it was not fun. 

So ask yourself this, my fellow students. Would you rather have your parents find out the bad things you do from your teachers? Or from you? And trust me, parents are much happier when you tell them the bad things you do. So will you do as I propose dear reader? Will you confess, or hold your tongue? My advice: do not hold your tongue, confess and you will be much better.