Why Fox?


Carlo Zahl-Batlle, Staff Writer

Fox needs to hire people to explain current comic books to them, because it’s clear they don’t understand Marvel Comics. I’m guessing most of you dear readers have not heard of everyone’s favorite talk show “Fox and Friend’s” opinion on Sam Wilson: Captain America #1. To those of you who don’t read Marvel Comics, Sam Wilson was a superhero known as the Falcon and for a long time he fought alongside Captain America as his crime fighting ally. Not too long ago, Steve Rogers (the original Captain America, and the one from the movies,) lost his super soldier formula leading him to lose his youth. Due to comic book Steve Rogers now being a much older man, he can’t be Captain America in the comics. Therefore he has passed the shield to his good friend The Falcon. And a big difference with Sam Wilson: Captain America is that he has a clear stand on politics. Now that you are all caught up, let’s get into the story.


So in Sam Wilson: Captain America #1 he fights the old Captain America group, the Sons of the Serpent. Current Captain America writer Nick Spencer has turned them into an allegory for Americans who share Donald Trump’s opinion on our borders with Mexico. But the Sons of the Serpent actively go out with guns to find people who are trying to cross the border and punish them. For some reason, the crew of “Fox and Friends” took umbrage with these villains. They do share some conservative ideas and believed that Marvel comics was pulling a PR stunt. In a strange way they sympathize with the Sons of the Serpent by saying that their leader is simply an American with “misgivings” about matters related to immigration. Clearly they did not even know the comic as the Supreme Serpent is clearly an insane extremist.
In the latter half of their segment, they remember how “Captain America used to punch Hitler in the face” and the “good old days” of comics; back when Captain America comics did not take a stand on politics. This, in my opinion, is genius. I mean, the hero is Captain AMERICA; why shouldn’t he have a stand on politics on the country he defends? But through all their rhetoric, Fox makes a point in that the comic industry is struggling. And if something is struggling, then shouldn’t they stand to fix the problem? And currently, Marvel Comics is going through a renaissance of change with a female Thor, bankrupt Iron Man, company owning Spiderman, and many more. But alas, Fox does not enjoy that comics are trying to have a stand with politics. According to them, it is bad and politics should stay out of comics forever.