Lee Rubin’s Message to Oratory


Lucas Toglia, Writer

On Friday December 12th, Lee Rubin, former scholar athlete and Penn State Football player, came to Oratory Prep to express his important message. Rubin is a leader; he has lead on the football field, the classroom, and in schools around the country talking to young adults like ourselves. Lee Rubin not only knows how to lead but how to be a great, successful leader.


Lee told the gym “Whatever you want to do, be the best at it”. Whether you play basketball, are a great student, or are in student council, we need to be our best at those respective areas in our lives. Then he announced that not just some people are leaders but everyone is a leader.


“Anyone who influences another person is a leader.” Most people have influenced at least one person in their life and how good of a feeling it is to do so. But to lead and influence a group of people is another challenge and Lee explained how to do that by saying, “There are three things you must do, handle power responsibly, create cultures of respect, and be concerned about others.” People look up to others when they aren’t self centered, are in a place that they feel good in, and people that make them realize that they are amazing too. Leaders must have respect for everyone. They must give everyone at least some form of respect which can ultimately change their lives. If a leader allows their to be bullying in his culture his teammates, employees, students, etc. can be depressed, suicidal, and develop health problems. This is something that a good leader can prevent and those who truly want to lead won’t allow to happen. Lee Rubin explains that there are different types of people in this world. There are the people who do evil, the people who are the victims and the people who watch and decide what they want to do. He then shared a quote from Albert Einstein “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil but because of those who look on and do nothing”. This quote is a great quote and it shows how that third group of people determine what the culture will be.  So the questions arises, ”Are those people going to be leaders or are they going to follow the bad in the world?”  His message truly is, “if we show empathy for others and inspire them by not abusing our power, then we can make the world a better place.”


Afterwards, in an interview, he said “I’m excited to have the opportunity to come and share. It’s an important subject that needs be handled.  It is good that your school is addressing the need for leadership”. Lee Rubin is a successful and happy guy who has left us with an important message and it is up to everyone at Oratory to make everyone here have OP Pride.


Remember to Contact Lee:

Instagram & Twitter: LRubin39

[email protected]