A Day in the Life

A Day in the Life

Patrick LeMarble, Staff Writer

Every day we all wake up and start our daily routine. This so called routine is a day in our lives that seems to have similar events each time. For some, this routine can be repetitive. For others, it can have guidelines but surprises along the way. Although these routines can be repetitive they are still subject to change. As we age the way we go about life very much changes. As little kids in elementary school our routines were very different from middle school and high school. In elementary school we for the most part don’t always know what is going to happen next, but as we age this changes. By middle school and high school we need to start managing our time, and preparing for certain events. In order to do this our routines and daily lives must change. We all have some kind of story to tell with our daily routines, each persons is different with none being the exact same.

James Gagliano, one of the many students at Oratory, has decided to share a typical day in his life from start to finish. He wakes up every morning for school around 7:10, he gets ready and leaves his home around 7:26. On his way to school he usually grabs breakfast at Dunkin Donuts. This includes a medium iced coffee with cream and extra caramel as well as a Boston creme donut. He of course does not go in himself but instead makes his brother Will go in for him. After buying said treats he arrives at Oratory Prep around 7:50, in which he parks, heads up stairs, and converses with his fellow classmates. Around 8:10 the bell rings and James heads in to Mr. Kearns’ homeroom. Once there, he talks to Joe Bizub and Joey Cappucci. After homeroom James starts his day going from class to class. His favorite day, in particular, is day 7, when he has gym class for the long period.

After school ends James heads to his car and gets his soccer stuff ready often taking a quick trip to 7-Eleven with friends. Soccer practice starts at 3:30 and ends around 5:30 after which James proceeds to head home or stop at Dunkin Donuts again. Often Sal Mercurio comes over to his house and eats a quick snack at his house. Around 6 James starts homework, eats dinner, works on college applications, and then watches TV and usually falls asleep around 11.

Each person does different things throughout the day. Days can either be routine or refreshingly different. This may be a typical day for James but it is always subject to change. This is the case for everybody as daily routines can and will always change as life continues to go on.